GENRE: fantasy / horror – SHORT, 22-pages

After dying from a zombie bite, a young woman discovers that her ghost is bound to her zombie body and she can’t move on. Horrified by this grim existence, she searches for a way to free herself.

Unhappy with being bound to her zombie body, Vi waits in anticipation for the day when her zombie is killed, believing that her ghost will then be able to “move on”. However, she soon learns that her zombie being killed is not a guaranteed solution to her dilemma.

Over time, she learns more about her situation and, as nauseating as it is, how she can direct her zombie’s movements. Vi uses this newfound ability to save a Young Girl from a Kidnapper who is chasing her. Fleeing the Young Girl’s rescuers, Vi walks her zombie off a cliff, to be smashed by the surf against the rocks below. As she waits to move-on, Vi enjoys a beautiful sunset and is, for a moment, at peace with the world.

A full synopsis is available on Script Revolution at the link below.

A “buddy” dramedy about a bodiless mind and a mindless body, in which our hero finally manages to accept her fate.

While the script works as a standalone short, there is a plenty of potential within the premise to expand it into a feature. 

this short was reviewed on Script Revolution, you can read the review here.

If you’re a producer, director or production company interested in a script to play with, Ghost & Zombie is available to read at Script Revolution or you can contact me via the contact form.

Here’s the ‘logistical’ details:

• suburban streets
• expensive house
• supermarket
• public toilets in park
• bridge over river
• rural scrubland
• ocean cliffs

• Vi’s ghost and zombie (woman, 20s)
• reverend’s ghost (man, 50s)
• Asha’s ghost and zombie (woman, 40s)
• Max’s ghost and zombie (man, 40s)
• Misha (girl, about 12yo)
• Kidnapper (man, 40s)
• scavengers (3x men, 20s-30s)
• sanitation crew (3x men and/or women)
• rescuers (4x men and women)
• assorted zombies (18x men and women)

effects etc
• floating, translucent ghosts
• rotting, shuffling zombies
• gore and bloody wounds (static, i.e. makeup)
• gore and gunshot wounds (dynamic)

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